Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe

Sunday cruise with lunch on Lake Zug

A cosy Sunday on the lake. Stimulating conversations in the group, an enchanting view and a delicious 3-course meal. A perfect way to round off a cosy weekend.

Group experience

This offer is bookable for 10 people or more.


Sundays during the scheduled cruise season.

Depart Zug Bahnhofsteg 12.15
Arrive Arth am See 13.48
Arrive Zug Bahhofsteg 14.52 
Gastronomy offer
Starter "GASTRONAUTIC" mixed leaf salad with
home-made Zug cherry vinaigrette
Menu 1 Swiss Egli fish crispies
with French fries, market vegetables and tartar sauce
Menu 2 Braised beef "Rôti au four" with mashed potatoes and market vegetables
Vegetarian menu Creamy heida risotto
Dessert Zug cherry cake

for around-the-lake cruise and lunch (excluding drinks)

CHF 80.40 Adults
CHF 65.20 with Half Fare travelcard and for children/young
people aged 6 to 25 years
CHF 50.00 with GA travelcard
Special provisions

To take advantage of this offer, please choose a consistent catering option.
Menu and prices are subject to change.

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