Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe


The Theater Casino Zug’s new «Heimatklänge» (regional sounds) series is a mixture of folk music, Balkan brass, Alpine brass band music and oriental sounds.

Highly talented musicians dedicate themselves to Heimatklänge and creating completely new sound horizons. For one evening, the "sounds of home" resound across the lake.

Offer details

Dani Häuslers Kapelle Gupfbuebä und das Jodelterzett Seetal
Heimatklänge #1 auf See

This concert is a rare form of community project where Ländlermusik – a type of Swiss folk music – and yodelling come together. The Seetal Yodel Trio are known for their beautiful interpretations of yodelling classics, while the Gupfbuebä choir have built a reputation for central Swiss Ländlermusik concerts. One of the driving forces behind the project is Zug clarinettist and composer Dani Häusler, who is one of the highest-profile Ländlermusik proponents in the country and has played a major role in the renaissance of Swiss folk music over recent decades, founding the Gupfbuebä choir at the age of just 12. 


You will find details of the programme here.


Satisfy your appetite with a look at the current à la carte menu (insight to follow).


Logodatei Theater Casino Zug

Reservation information
You can reserve for up to 9 people online. We are happy to accept reservations for groups or reservations with vouchers by telephone or by e-mail

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In exceptional cases, we reserve the right to postpone (non-scheduled) cruises with few bookings or to hold an event while moored. The cruise fare does not apply if the boat remains moored.