Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe

Adventure cruise for children

An adventure cruise for explorers and treasure hunters! A theme is set for each ship and guides you through a puzzle search with 9 posts spread over the entire ship.


It's me, your captain!

I love sailing guests across Lake Zug together with my team. There are always exciting encounters and adventures to experience. You can experience two adventures with me. You won't believe who you'll meet!


The mysterious sea dragon of Lake Zug!

Have you found it yet? He is said to have magical powers and bring good luck. He loves to play tricks and lead the captain and his sailors around by the nose. That's why the captain urgently needs your help. Do you want to be part of the chosen team of explorers and solve the riddles? Perhaps you will not only discover the lost treasure, but also make a wish because you have seen the sea dragon?

You will find the dragon on the Sunday trip at 2 pm.


The little water witch Aloisa

Recently, the captain and his little sailor had a really jinxed day and their vessel got stranded on an island. Fortunately, they met someone who could help them. Namely a little moss-green water witch. Her name is Aloisa and she really can do magic! Would you like to meet Aloisa too? Then come with us on a magical journey, solve all the puzzles on the vessel and enter the password in your witch's notebook.

You will meet the water witch on Wednesdays and Sundays on the 3.15 pm cruise.

Drawing of the water witch boiling at the witch's cauldron with fire

Adventure cruise registration

Do you fancy an exciting adventure cruise? Do you enjoy solving tricky puzzles? If so, register for the research mission on Lake Zug now.

Register now

Colouring pictures

Would you like to have a little colouring fun? You are welcome to download the colouring sheets, print them out and colour them in to your heart's desire.

Samichlaus time

Aloisa is helping to fill Santa's sack with delicious chocolate, nuts and mandarins.

Captain in Christmas fever

On board, the captain and his parrot decorate for Christmas.

Best friends

The little sea dragon loves his beastie, who is always waiting for him on the mast in Risch.

Message in a bottle

What do you think the message in a bottle says?
Have you ever received one?

Dragon's treasure

The little sea dragon has hidden his treasure deep in Lake Zug. Can you find all the pirate coins?