Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe


Zugersee Schifffahrt AG (SGZ) is a public limited company with participations held by the canton of Zug, the city of Zug, the municipalities of Canton Zug and the municipality of Arth, the corporation of Zug and Walchwil, the civic community of Zug, the Schwyz and Küssnacht district, as well as private shareholders.

Next General Meeting of Schifffahrtsgesellschaft für den Zugersee
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, in the Gemeindesaal Walchwil

Ensuring licensed maritime traffic on Lake Zug.

The share capital is CHF 1,450,000, divided into 14,500 registered shares at CHF 100.00.

Due to legal requirements, Schifffahrtsgesellschaft für den Zugersee AG converted its bearer shares into registered shares as of 30 April 2021. In this context, physical share certificates were not issued. Instead, shareholders receive a certificate of the shares they own that are entered in the share register. Only those who are entered in the share register are recognised as shareholders of SGZ.

The shareholders are obliged to report any changes in connection with their shareholding. You can download the reporting form here: Form for the transfer of shares

The current tax value of the shares can be found on the website of the Cantonal Tax Office of Zug under ""Lokale Werte"" (local values).

Read the latest Annual Report from
Schifffahrtsgesellschaft für den Zugersee AG.

Go to the Annual Report

Read the latest Annual Report from
Schifffahrtsgesellschaft für den Zugersee AG.

Go to the Annual Report