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"I can do magic and witchcraft brilliantly and play tricks on my friends"

Off on an adventure cruise on Lake Zug with the water witch Aloisa.What magic can she cast?We met the witch for an exclusive interview.

Hello Aloisa, unfortunately I can't (write) Swiss German very well.Do you understand High German?What languages do you speak?
Hoi, Sali, Grüezi and a big Hallihallooo. Yes, of course, I can also speak German. That goes without saying. There are so many visitors from other countries here at Lake Zug that I hear interesting languages and stories from all over the world. So I'm not just a bella, or a bit poco locca, but also very charming when I'm out and about. And hey, if I don't understand something, I can do magic. Have you forgotten? Then I just take out my big book of magic spells, mix up a delicious mud soup and then it's easy with Chinese, Arabic and magic. That makes sense, doesn't it?

Are you a good or an evil water witch?
Hmmm, what a strange question! Of course I am both. Depending on which leg I got up on in the morning, whether my soup tasted good or whether some captain rammed his ship into my island again, I decide whether I'll cast good spells or a tiny bit of an evil spell. But normally, when I'm totally relaxed, I'm really really nice.

How long have you been living on the island in Lake Zug and what do you like best about it? I've heard there are lots of birds there ...
Oh, you want to know a lot about me. You wonderer. Hmmm, let me think. Well, somehow, that was so, or not, oh... I don't remember that so well. I don't really know how old I am. I'll have to check that. 100 divided by two, times three = 13 or so. Is that right? And when I was 11 or 33 years old, I ended up here with some of my bird friends, in an old wooden floating crate and my thick, heavy book of spells. Actually, I wanted to go to Italy, to the sea. But I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. And, hmmm, Rägedirägedi... because I liked this island with all the animals so much, I just stayed here. That was 90 years ago or so. Hihi ...

How do you get on with the other inhabitants of Lake Zug? Do you have any friends? Are there any other water witches in Lake Zug?
My very best friend is the lake dragon. That cheeky little chap. I can spend hours making silly remarks, laughing and lazing in the sun with him. But I also get on really well with the other animals. And of course, there are still many, many creatures that only show themselves when you are quiet. Like the little mermaid, for example, who lives deep in Lake Zug in her water castle, the frog man who can hide extremely well in the reeds, or the mud goblin, who sometimes makes me feel quite ditzy because he always tricks me. But he's actually a really nice one when I give him some of my much-loved mud soup. And are there other water witches in Lake Zug? I really can't tell you that... But if you sit quietly on the lakeside promenade, you might be able to count the green spots on the water. Maybe that will help you find out if there are any other witches here. Oops, I've done too much witchcraft again.

What does "Plupps..., Rägedägedä..., Schwubediwupp" actually mean?
You'd really like to know, wouldn't you? Should I tell you? Hmmm, alright then. Rägediräge, Schubediwupp... means... well, when I look at it closely, it means... and if you turn it around, then you understand... it's an old magic spell, a tiny little witchcraft that makes... that I... and then usually happens... Oh, nonsense. I'm not going to tell you that. Hihihi... Say it a few times yourself, then you'll feel a tingling sensation deep inside your stomach and you'll know what I mean ;o)

What superpowers do you have? Will you tell us your favourite spell?
Maybe you should ask the captain, the one who came to my island in his ship. He definitely knows what my favourite spell is. Hihihi... Of course it's the fog spell. What else? It's so funny when the people on their boats look so bewildered because they can't see a thing in the fog. And my superpowers? Well, there are a looooot of them. I can do magic and witchcraft and play tricks on my friends. And I'm a great listener when the frogs croak their evening song. But of course, that's not really a superpower. Oh yes, I can hide extremely well, with my wild, green hair. And I'm a great cook. I also bake. For example, toad slime muffins, bird's egg chocolates or a hearty seaweed bread. It smells soooo delicious.

The captain and his parrot are stranded on your island. – I assume you had something to do with that? Are there other pranks you like to play?
Huh? The captain, cough, and his parrot, cough, are stranded on my island completely without my fog spell, which of course I never use. Hihihi... The captain might need to take a sea trial again so that he doesn't just ram foreign islands. Rägedirägedi... And yes, I love playing pranks from morning to night. But when I'm sleeping, I'm veeery nice, I promise.

In return, you invite the captain and his feathered first mate to a mud soup. – Is that your speciality? What does it taste like?
Yes, that's right, I felt so sorry for them when they landed with their ship on my island. But they looked so surprised, I had to laugh so hard I almost fell over. It was soooo funny. But I know how it is. I can't think straight when I haven't eaten. And everyone likes my mud soup, without exception. At least I think so... Hihihi... Of course, it contains a really strong portion of mud, good Zugersee water, a few leaves from the wild raspberry bush, two or three freshwater mussels and, of course, my secret ingredient. Which I'm definitely not going to reveal.

Because you get the ship back on the right course, the captain will give you a present. Rumour has it that it sometimes sparkles on your island...?
Wow, really? Have you seen it yet? It sparkles sooooo beautifully. A real dream made of gold. But what's even cooler is what the gift sounds like. Wow, that's a sound you can hear from one side of the lake to the other. I used to hear it every time a ship went by. I liked that so much that I wanted to have a bell like that too. Oops, sorry. Now I've let the cat out of the bag. Heavens mud. You tricked me with your questions.

Do you have a tip for children who travel on the ship on Lake Zug? What should they bear in mind to make their trip as exciting as your adventures?
Well, that would be the treasure hunt on the ship, of course. You'll learn a whole lot more about me and can solve cool puzzles. And at the end, there's a little gift too. But the absolute coolest thing about a boat trip like this is the wind, when it whistles through your hair, tickles the fine Zugersee air in your nose and you can just let yourself drift. Just forget where you are for a while and dream yourself away to the enchanting place where the ship is taking you. And if you see something sparkling as you pass by my island, just wave to me. Maybe I'll ring the bell then.

Well, I've answered enough questions now. I'm not going to tell you much more. You'll just have to come on board the ship and find out more about me yourself. And if you're clever enough to find me, you can try to play a trick on me. But I don't think you'll be able to do it anyway... Hihihi, Rägedirägedi, Schwubediwupp...

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