Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe

A look behind the scenes

Browse our stories and find out what goes on behind the scenes at Lake Zug.

"We know every farmer and every animal"

Two on the same wavelength: the Forster butcher's shop and Gastronautic AG. Thomas Forster on the mutually appreciative partnership

Mr Forster, how did the meat from the Forster butchery end up on board the Lake Zug ships?
Zugersee Schifffahrt attaches great importance to quality and regionality – just like us: We source our high-quality meat almost exclusively from local livestock farmers. So when Köbi Fahrni from Gastronautic AG approached me about a partnership, we immediately found each other.

What characterises your butcher's shop/your products?
We go our own way because our quality standards are very high. We know each of the selected regional farmers and each animal very well. About once a month, I visit the livestock farmers in person and can choose the animals. This means that our meat can be traced back to the individual animal. It is also part of our philosophy that we process the animal from head to tail in our own production, i.e. we utilise as many parts of the animal as possible.

Naturally, fine Forster meat is also served on the experience cruises such as the BBQ boat, the Fondue Chinoise boat, etc. Where do the ideas for these events come from?
Most of the ideas come from the creative Gastronautic crew. We discuss the right menus together. I can contribute my knowledge and experience here. Which, by the way, is not a matter of course: passengers on the ship enjoy the best meat, which I also sell directly to my customers in the shop. I really appreciate that – and I'm sure the guests on board appreciate it too.

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