Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe

A look behind the scenes

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Spirit, taste and a regional focus belong on Lake Zug

Another great pairing: Lake Zug Navigation and the Etter speciality distillery. Managing Director Gabriel Galliker-Etter on traditional products and new ideas

Congratulations, Gabriel Galliker. You were recently named Distillery of the Year at DistiSuisse and awarded 6 gold medals. Can these products also be enjoyed on the Lake Zug ships? 
Yes, these award-winning specialities such as Etter Weichselkirsch, Etter Quitte or our grappa and whisky and many other Etter products are served on the Lake Zug ships. We are delighted when guests discover new flavours on board. But their favourite flavour is still the classic: Zuger Kirsch. 
How long has the partnership between your company and Zugersee Schifffahrt existed? 
Ui, for a very long time... I can't even remember. Spirit and taste - and a regional focus - have always belonged on Lake Zug, they are a kind of cultural asset (laughs). We are an innovative company and are always open to new ideas together with the on-board catering. Last year, for example, a rum barrel was placed on a Lake Zug ship for final maturation. New ideas are being considered, but are still secret at the moment.
You are a master distiller and co-host at some events on the lake. When is your favourite time to go on board?
I've lived by Lake Zug since I was born. I'm a real "Seebueb" and love being on the water. I love the food and spirits pairing events. Because this combination of fine food, accompanied by selected wines and spirits, can lead to an additional flavour experience.

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